Top 4 Tips To Get Performance Ready
By Move Dance on 7th Jun 2023
It's officially show season! As exciting as performing can be, it can also be an extremely hectic and tiring time. So it's important that performers look after themselves during this period. Here are a few of our tips on staying at your best as you prepare and perform for the show season.
Get enough rest
Performing day after day gets exhausting, especially on double-show days. Be sure to treat your body well and get adequate rest. That may mean going to bed earlier than usual or taking a nap instead of going out for lunch in between shows.
Practice makes perfect
Feeling confident in what you are doing is so important, it will help you feel less nervous and enjoy your performance even more! A good tip is to film yourself in rehearsals, so you can watch it back at home. It's also a great way to see what you need to improve on too!
Fuel your body
It goes without saying you need to keep energised, try and eat protein rich foods such as spinach, nuts and eggs. Have plenty of snacks with you in rehearsals and show days, again choose something high in protein. Some good examples are apple and peanut butter, trial mix or veggies and hummus. Try to avoid sugary snacks as these will give you a quick burst of energy. But when your blood sugar drops back down, you may feel sluggish.
Have all the essentials!
The last thing you want just as you're about to go on stage is to see you have a massive ladder in your tights or a ripped bun net! Having spares for everything, and being overly prepared will give you one less thing to worry about so you can really focus on your performance. From grips to fishnet tights don't worry we have got you covered! Follow the link below to shop our dance accessories for all your show essentials!
We hope this has been helpful to those who are about to enter show season, just remember to relax and enjoy!
P.S don't forget to smile!!
Still need a last minute costume, check out our wide range of stunning Weissman costumes.
The Move Dance Team xx